No Jane Taber, Harper is NOT reinventing ‘patriotism’ in Canada

He is destroying Canada’s greatest and most loved attributes that used to define us around the world – “the Charter, the flag, peacekeeping and multiculturalism”. Instead Harper is hawking war, exploitation of minorities and the poor and an unseemly devotion to US and British heritage. Taber does her best Harper fluffing by continually tying the NDP with Quebec, a dog whistle tactic not unlike the US right’s tying of Obama to his blackness.

Canada is about being Canadian and celebrating our true history – not manufacturing a PR campaign to fool the more vulnerable into believing we are really just pale imitations of a combination of US and Britain with a war-like corporate devotion to killing and being killed on battle fields.

If you look at the numbers, I don’t think you’ll find there are enough Canadians supporting Harper to buy his propaganda. However Jane, with the help of you and the rest of the media, Harper’s manipulation of our image and history may very well take. You’re doing your damnedest to help him. But in your enthusiasm for becoming a senator, you may be doing more of a disservice to Canada than is Harper.

By Jymn

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