Hassan Diab and the Keystone Kops er RCMP

 Hassan Diab, Accused of terrorism, followed for more than a year,police attempting to break into his condo, ordered deported based on flimsy if not outright falsified evidence, welcome to the new Canada.

In his judgement ordering Diabs extradition Justice Robert Maranger decribed the case against him as weak and if tried in Canada likely would not end in conviction.

“I found the French expert report convoluted, very confusing, with conclusions that are suspect,” he said, adding that the entire French case against Diab is a weak one with the prospects of a conviction in the context of a fair trial unlikely.

Despite his views Maranger stated he felt his hands were tied by our extradition laws ,it matters not that I hold this view.”

In an interview with the Ottawa citizen Mr Diab describes the more than year long surveillance of him and of his rebuffed efforts to co-operate with Canadian authourities.

Exclusive: Hassan Diab speaks Offer to take polygraph test snubbed by RCMP; Tailed by Mounties for a year before his arrest; Suspicious break-in attempt interrupted at couple’s condo

By Kev

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