Go Alex Neve Go! "First it was Jason Kenney. Now it’s Margaret Wente."

Jane Taber clutches her pearls over Amnesty International’s reproachment of just not Jason Kenney but now fellow Globe & Mail hack Margaret Wente. Going after a Conservative government official is one thing but going after best bud Wente, oooh that’s not going to go over well with Canada’s scribes. Alex Neve, secretary-general at Amnesty International, is taking on Kenney and Wente over the “so successful” (Taber’s words) release of the Cons’ “most wanted” list.

Enter Ms. Wente. In her column Thursday, she supports the government’s actions, arguing “Canada has become a notorious as a haven for war criminals and phony refugees.” And she takes Amnesty International to task, calling on it to “find some real victims to defend.”

Mr. Neve, who is in Amsterdam for Amnesty International’s biennial global assembly, immediately logged on to his Facebook account, calling on his friends to “let the Globe and Mail know that you don’t agree with Margaret Wente: concern about human rights is NOT misplaced hand-wringing.”

“Obviously, it concerns us,” he said about the column. “It’s an approach and attitude we don’t agree with at all. And I clearly take umbrage with her suggestions that somehow we are only doing this because it’s something we can get mileage out of.”

Mr. Neve says Amnesty has had some members of the public writing to them and indicating they support the view of Mr. Kenney and Ms. Wente. But overall, he said the feedback has been supportive of the organization’s concern for human rights and position on this issue – though he hasn’t tallied all the responses.

As for Ms. Wente, the reaction has been equally divided. “My email is about half and half,” she said. “I haven’t read the online comments – they’re usually really nasty!”

No Margaret, nasty is what you – and sister Jane – do. You are the worst kind of hacks who allow yourselves to be sold out for ideological reasons. And future senatorships.

As for Alex Neve, he might think twice in the future about attacking a prominent Conservative journalist. Now he’s pissed off not just Harper’s lackeys but 90 percent of Canadian hacks in the journalism trade. You don’t insult one of their own and Alex, and they do indeed own it all.

By Jymn

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