Oh man, this is really going to piss off the right! LOFL! Stephen Tayor’s going to have to bring out the mops for all the cranial matter exploding over at Blogging Tories.
MONTREAL – Former Bloc Quebecois head Gilles Duceppe said he doesn’t think there is anything controversial about an ex-soveregnist leader working at the state broadcaster.
Duceppe starts work as a columnist for the French CBC next week.
“Pierre Bourgault worked for years at Radio-Canada,” he said of the late sovereigntist politician who worked in the Party Quebecois in its infancy.
A former PQ leader, Rene Levesque, as well as its current president, Raymond Archambault, were also on the French CBC, Duceppe added.
“(The CBC) also belongs to the Quebec society,” he said. “Quebec pays taxes.”
Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.