We all know now about Mike Coren’s blast of ignorant hate spiel, blaming the victims of the Norwegian slaughter by a right wing Christian extremist. As is Glenn Beck’s particular talent, the ex-Fox News host one-ups the Brit Fox News North host by comparing the victims to ‘Hitler Youth’.
It’s all coming around, isn’t it? The smile began cracking when the right came out against the democratic fighters in the Mideast uprisings and supported the tyrants in charge. Now they’re throwing their ire against the deceased victims, because of a disagreement over Israel.
I predict Breivik will become a symbol of right-wing victimhood and a hero, albeit with an asterisk. He is one of their own. They will eventually rally round his extremist flag. He did what he did to protect his homeland. Every good patriot should do the same.
The merchants of hate have completely blown their cover and continue to wade deeper into their own shit. They can’t help it. They know no other way. Luckily for the rest of us, the media can no longer ignore the deep seated hatred and bigotry the right so vehemently instils in its troops.
Too bad it’s only a temporary eye opening. The media will soon enough retreat into its hiding as the relentless accusations of ‘liberal bias’ again turn shrill. Hell, Pam Geller will probably become a fixture on CNN. It’s all about the screaming wheel. It’s all about noise. That’s why Coren is allowed to spew his venom and Beck still has radio. The right owns both the airwaves and the press.
Look at the bright side, we still have blogs.