"At News International we pride ourselves on setting the news agenda for the right reasons."
That line is from the resignation letter of Rebekah Brooks. One of Rupert Murdochs’s most trusted hench-persons at News International.
Agenda: –noun, formally a plural of agendum, but usually used as a singular with plural -das or -da.
a list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon, etc.: The chairman says we have a lengthy agenda this afternoon.
Openly stating that she believes that a corporate owned news chain should be setting any agenda at all.
And the "right reasons"? If she means only from the right, in that she was quite correct.
News International has changed English politics in the last few decades, and the public discourse of events has become more sordid, more sensational.
Chasing celebrities down in a fashion also adopted by the National Enquirer.