Yes, it does seem I’ve fallen off the blogging map, doesn’t it? No fear, though, as I’m sure once council gets back into full force, and we’re thrown into the parry and thrust of the provincial election, I’ll get back to bemusing you on a regular basis.

Of course, if you’d pay attention to my Tweets, you’d always find me bemusing. Or, at least, discover that I find myself very amusing…

For now, though, my life is focused on a couple of goals (always good to have goals, right?), neither of which involves blogging, one of which I should (fingers crossed) accomplish on July 31. No hints, though, as I was told by a good friend I probably shouldn’t tell other people my goal until I realize it. Which I should. Unless I’ve just jinxed myself.

But that’s for Sunday…

My good friend (and she knows who she is) also gave me a very good piece of advice (which is supposedly related to my astrological sign, for whatever faith you put in such things): realize that I’ll never be satisfied, but… strive every day to find a little bit of satisfaction. It’s helped a bit with some of my ‘issues’, though I have struggled the occasional day finding my little bit of satisfaction (found it today, though… but that’s something to write about in September…)

In the meantime, an introduction: E-B writer extraordinaire Kristen Smith is embarking on the 100-mile challenge, and she’s writing a blog on her efforts to source her food as locally as possible. I, on the other hand, for the next two weeks will be endeavouring to eat food that comes from as far away as possible (penguin burgers, anyone?), and trucked here by the least-environmentally-friendly mode of transport possible (lignite coal-fired transport trucks that run without catalytic converters…) There’s also bonus points for social irresponsibility, so it’s also best that any food is also harvested by Chinese political prisoners, and that any meat I buy is from an animal that died in the most painful way possible (self-inflicted axe wounds after watching re-runs of council meetings from the last term…)

And I’ll be bringing in mangoes. By the caseload…


The town’s planning and parks departments, along with the Environment Network, are trying to get $100,000 for Enviro-Park from Schneider’s Country Naturals; you Facebook denizens can go here to vote

By Scoop

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes