Canada’s own Casey Anthony trial, except that this guy’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt!

I thought it a travesty that no clear evidence to either exonerate or convict Casey Anthony was ever produced by the prosecution.
In a case that involved the death of a two year old girl, whom either drowned or was supposedly suffocated by her mother, no one was found guilty.
Unfortunately, the U.S. justice system is not 100% efficient and accurate in its deliberations on whether someone is guilty or not of murder. I’m sure many murderers got away before with a slap on the wrist due to lack of evidence. Also, I would imagine that many more men and women were convicted wrongfully as well.
But what about Canada?
With our wonderfully low murder rates, by comparison to the United States, should we not set an example to our south of the border brethrens on how justice is served?
Well, even if we wanted to set an example, the only chance of that happening vanished into thin air after a Quebec court found Guy Turcotte, a well respected doctor in the community, criminally not responsible for his actions after stabbing his two children to death.
Apparently, Mr. Turcotte was so distraught over the fact that his wife was cheating on him with her personal trainer that he had to stab his son 27 times and his daughter 19 times to make the pain go away.
Now despite the incredible brutality of the murder, what really makes me cringe is the fact that Mr. Gaston, a doctor, thought that he could kill himself after committing the gruesome deed by ingesting windshield-wiper fluid.
Seriously, that must be the weakest attempt at suicide I’ve ever heard of, witnessed or read about.
So a man on the verge of committing suicide killed his children to spare them from seeing him dead when they woke up, has been deemed not criminally responsible for his actions?
I have to say I’m amazed at the verdict. Sure, his wife was a lying, cheating and unscrupulous woman, but why did the kids have to pay for Mr. Turcotte’s and Ms. Gaston’s marriage breakdown?
Either ways, we just put to shame the Casey Anthony verdict of not guilty. Well done Quebec!

By Gabriel Dzsurdzsa

I'm a 24 year old Ontarian and a newly joined member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Also of Romanian and Hungarian descent, a novice blogger, writer and voter, I have this year, in 2011, participated in my first federal election. My own opinions and moral inclinations are firmly rooted in liberalism and I feel that, despite the Conservative shift in thinking going on nationally, Ontario still remains liberal. I wish to participate in keeping it so.

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