Time editor calls Obama a ‘dick’ on MSNBC

Liberal media? Give me a break. Mark Halperin, the ‘Editor-at-Large’ of the weekly rag Time, upset that Obama used strong language to challenge the GOP on the deficit plan, called the president a ‘dick’ during a segment on the MSNBC Joe Scarborough show.

Halperin, a long time Obama hater and unapologetic conservative, couldn’t help himself. His outburst says everything about the level of discourse of today’s media and Time magazine in particular. It also says a lot about Halperin’s own prejudices and fears. I guess he just can’t handle a powerful black man who speaks out.

Halperin, and it seems the entire MSNBC network has gone on an apology rampage since his ‘dick’ remark. So much so, it’s beginning to look like overcompensation.

By Jymn

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