Cue new chapter of press releases

For Immediate Release
June 1, 2011

Introducing the Liberal Team

OTTAWA – Liberal Leader Bob Rae today introduced the Party’s new House of Commons line-up – one that builds on the depth and experience of the Liberal Caucus. In addition to critic assignments, Mr. Rae announced his Senior Caucus Leadership Group which will assist in managing Parliamentary business and work closely with the Party and the caucus on overall operations. MP Ralph Goodale will be Deputy Leader, MP Marc Garneau will be the House Leader and MP Judy Foote will be the Whip.

“The Liberal Party has the advantage of having a Caucus of talent and experience,” said Mr. Rae. “I am thankful for the confidence that our Caucus and our Party have placed in me, and I am proud to lead a team of individuals who will serve Canadians with skill and integrity and play a pivotal role in rebuilding the Liberal Party of Canada.”

Earlier today, the Caucus also elected Francis Scarpaleggia as Liberal Caucus Chair.

“I want to congratulate Francis Scarpaleggia on having been chosen by our peers as Liberal Caucus Chair,” concluded Mr. Rae.

For a complete list and additional information, visit


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Office of the Liberal Leader

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