Brigette DePape: Canadian heroine

Standing up to the tanks (click to embiggen – makes a wonderful desktop background)

Canada needs more Brigette DePapes and less Stephen Harpers. We need more fighters and fewer donut eatin’ authoritarian pricks. (This version of the story has her last name as “Marcelle”.)

“Harper’s agenda is disastrous for this country and for my generation,” Brigette Marcelle says. “We have to stop him from wasting billions on fighter jets, military bases, and corporate tax cuts while cutting social programs and destroying the climate. Most people in this country know what we need are green jobs, better medicare, and a healthy environment for future generations.” 

Brigette Marcelle, 21 and a recent graduate from University of Ottawa, has been a Page in the Senate for a year, but realized that working within parliament wouldn’t stop Harper’s agenda. 

“Contrary to Harper’s rhetoric, Conservative values are not in fact Canadian values. How could they be when 3 out of 4 eligible voters didn’t even give their support to the Conservatives? But we will only be able to stop Harper’s agenda if people of all ages and from all walks of life engage in creative actions and civil disobediance,” she says. 

I love this woman!

UPDATE: Here’s a Facebook page for/by Brigette Marcelle/DePape.

UPDATE II: Link to interview. Sorry no embed yet. And another link to story.

UPDATE III: Interview with Evan Solomon (what an idiot this guy is):

UPDATE IV. DePape is also a killer baton twirler.

By Jymn

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes