Tory Majority – Whatever

To be honest, the difference between a Tory Majority and a Tory Minorty in terms of policy is neglible.

Had the Tories been held to a Minority, the Liberals would have propped them up anyway and the corporate creep would have continued.

Now that they have their Majority, the gloves come off and the middle class will be assaulted to a degree heretofor unimagined.  Without a stooge propping them up, it will be more difficult for the Tories to slither away from the carnage.

It is going to be a tough four years and I can only hope and fight.  Hope that the Liberals continue their death spiral and fight to keep Canada, Canadian.

The good news is, of course, that the NPD forms the Official Opposition.

We also know that we have four years. 

But the time must be used wisely.

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