May 2011

308 seats

Saw this link from a friend on facebook (!)– Basically a blog that keeps track of all the polling nationally, as well as in each riding. I’m not sure…

One Vote

Strategic voting is an interesting animal. When applied to the left, the idea is that you should vote for the candidate that stands the best chance of defeating a Conservative.…


Sundown April 30, to Sundown May 1st. On the Wheel of the year, directly opposite Samhain. (Halloween) Or, Bel-tinne, more clearly "fires of Bel." Bhealltuinn, in the Irish phrase, "Eadar…

Election Prediction? Beats Me!

Well, this election has turned into quite the roller-coaster ride, hasn't it? Depending on your pollster of choice, we're either headed for an historic NDP breakthrough or a Conservative majority.…

My predictions

I know others have slaved over predictions models. Grats for your work. I just wait until the end, and then guess. Here's my prediction: CPC 130 NDP 93 LPC 63…

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