May 2011


Congratulations Dippers and Greens, what an historic showing.The Bloc might be history, as in the not so distant past and the Cons get their coveted majority at the expense of…

Goodnight Canada.

Was nice to know ya. With yer Universal Healthcare, and streams and mountains. And all that social safety net stuff. Welcome to Texas. Canada, now with 40% stoopid.

R.I.P. Canada

R.I.P. Canadian Long-gun registry.R.I.P. Women’s reproductive rights in Canada.R.I.P. The Canadian Senate.R.I.P. Same-sex marriage (we barely knew you).R.I.P. National funding for the arts.R.I.P. Canada Health Act.R.I.P. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.R.I.P. The…

R.I.P. Canada

R.I.P. Canadian Long-gun registry.R.I.P. Women's reproductive rights in Canada.R.I.P. The Canadian Senate.R.I.P. Same-sex marriage (we barely knew you).R.I.P. National funding for the arts.R.I.P. Canada Health Act.R.I.P. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.R.I.P. The…

R.I.P. Canada

R.I.P. Canadian Long-gun registry.R.I.P. Women’s reproductive rights in Canada.R.I.P. The Canadian Senate.R.I.P. Same-sex marriage (we barely knew you).R.I.P. National funding for the arts.R.I.P. Canada Health Act.R.I.P. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.R.I.P. The…

New World Order

Congrats to Liz May, first MP for the Green Party! Soooooo happy!!!!! Congrats to Québécois who have turn their backs to the Separatists and are welcomed back into the federalist…

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