I am Secwepemc, which is a nation that has existed for generations before there ever was a nation named Canada. We have never been strongly united, but we are one people, who work together to protect our tribes, lands, rivers, and customs from our historical adversaries to our West, East, North, and South.
However, with the invasion of the British, we have become a minority upon our own lands. We are pressed for our livelihoods by the tyranny of the majority. We are losing our identity because of the influx of what is known as Western Civilization, which has proven itself hardly civil toward us who hold a differing perspective regarding what is prosperity, and wealth.
We have been fractured as a larger community by the government of Canada. We do not speak as one nation for the benefit of the Secwepemc. We are divided into many differing bands, each clamoring for whatever dwindling resources the government might decide to give us should it feel charitable.
Every single day, there is more separation of the white communities of Canada, and the Secwepemc in terms of wealth. We are as poor today as yesterday. We shall continue to live in poverty, too, for we have no collateral to trade for success except that which is priceless, and we cannot lose it lest we lose ourselves.
Even within our own bands, our own people are divided into haves, and have-nots. Fail in the education system even once, and you’re blacklisted from accessing such funds ever again. Fail in your working life, and you can become trapped in our underfunded Social Assistance program, from which there is little hope of escape. Some communities are over-represented with two bands and councils, whereas other reserves have no council to decide its priorities.
There is no escape from the reserve system, unless you abandon the reserve. Personally, I cannot abandon it, for my family and friends still remain. Abandoning them is the same as abandoning my people, my nation. Without them, I am nothing, for truly I am Secwepemc.
What is to be done about the reserve system, then? I propose we abolish it. However, dismantling the reserve system does not mean we should embrace Canadian nationalism, for Canada has in turns treated us with contempt and neglect. We cannot, with our dignity intact, simply become Canadian. Consider, if we are powerless now against the Canadian government, think of how little power we would wield without our identity. No, we cannot disband without grave losses.
My proposal is to create a national Secwepemc government to fully empower our people to determine our own destiny. Rather then having dozens of minor band councils fighting and competing with each other for the pittance of resources the Canadian government deigns us worthy to have, we shall instead invest in ourselves the authority to fully control our lands and wealth. We shall divest of the Canadian government its self-granted authority over our destinies.
To back up my proposal, I am announcing my candidacy for the next Neskonlith band council election so I might create a referendum on this issue. My question shall be, “Do you agree to dissolve Neskonlith Indian Band in favor of the formation of a national Secwepemc government?”
I desire to work with others with others from my band, and others such as Kamloops, Adams Lake, and Little Shuswap to create a national Secwepemc government by 2015.
We, a powerless people, shall rise above the degradation we have suffered at the hands of the Canadian government. We shall overcome, with our own work, and grant our dearest wishes of a better future than what is promised us by the Canadian government.
Thank you for your time.