April 2011

Radio Topics, April 5th

Happy Tuesday! We have an exciting show lined up. At 8:05, we’ll speak with former Green Party Leader Jim Harris about Elizabeth May’s lack of inclusion in the federal leaders…

The Canada Pension Plan

Everyone under the age of 60 should read this article. "Most of today’s retirees did not contribute enough when they were working to pay for the cost of the benefits…

Election shout outs

Dammit Janet has uncovered the failed Ottawa Centre Liberals attempt to be cleverly underhanded. Scott Bradley’s campaign is misquoting Ottawa Center MP and NDP candidate Paul Dewar in an attempt…

On the teevee (II)

Here's the link to my first foray into Mississauga cable TV. Our panel on the federal election had no-shows from both the Greens and Tories, but host Ben Mercer and…

Youth-anize the vote!

I don’t know if this will really surprise anyone, but it’s just another instance of the unprecedented hostility Harper’s Conservatives hold towards anyone with opposing views. It’s the kind of…

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