April 2011

Is this Democracy? -Updated

“Harper’s strategy of refusing to take more than five questions a day from reporters amounts to a gross disservice to the public. Four of the permitted questions (generally two in…

Setting the record straight

I have been accused in various online forums, and personally, of harbouring feelings of hatred towards supporters of the Conservative Party. “How can you sleep at night?” one person asked.…

The security apparatus

Why is it that the Conservative campaign is rife with overzealous control freaks screening potential participants and declaring them unfit to gaze upon Dear Leader? I’ll tell you why: Because…

Molly’sBlog 2011-04-05 21:07:00

INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST MOVEMENT JAPAN: JAPANESE ANARCHISTS CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST AGAINST NUCLEAR POWER:Since the recent triple disaster in Japan Japanese anarchists have been active in both relief work…

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