April 2011

Retro Is In

This post is a response to this article from the Telegraph about a French female lawyer ripping off another young woman’s burqa (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/7735607/France-has-first-burka-rage-incident.html). What a disappointment! And what an insult…

How Poor is Poor Enough?

Harper and Alexander Recently Conservative Chris Alexander made the assertion that Canada has eradicated poverty. Statements like this are disheartening. Many Canadians have to make the difficult choice between paying…

Links for junkies

In absence of generating any of my own content, here are a few links that I'm reading regularly as the federal election campaign unfolds. I thought I'd pass them along...CBC's…

"Imagine Harper"

The Conservatives violated copyright laws in posting Harper’s singing of Imagine by John Lennon and so it has been yanked from youtube. This video is inspired by that, by the…

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