March 2011

An Election About Democracy

So there are rumblings that a spring election wouldn’t end up being about corporate tax cuts and fighter jets after all. Marlene Jenning’s has suggested a non-confidence vote might be…

An Election About Democracy

So there are rumblings that a spring election wouldn’t end up being about corporate tax cuts and fighter jets after all. Marlene Jenning’s has suggested a non-confidence vote might be…

Progress and Learning

I commented, here: The best learning I've ever done has been on my own, working through a hard problem, by reading and then writing, either text, or software, or derivations.…

When a Voice is Silenced

When an important voice in this country was silenced this week, I confess I was stunned.Jim Travers looked to places that others didn't and seemed to have a wide-angle lens…

March 5 2009

That is the date of the first post here at Democracy Under Fire which means that I have now been posing articles and opinions about our Democracy weekly for two…

I want to pogne

The American hegemony on the pop music scene is indisputable. And many talent hunters from the United States are exploring other regions of the globe in search for new ideas…

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