ear pain today, brains tomorrow

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledgeKhalil Gibran

There are things that seem to sneak up and make you say what the hell? How does that happen? Why? And these things are beyond sensical…like how does an almost 60 year old do the splits…and why do them on a cold frozen surface…they are almost Seusical in their whackiness and hard to believe to boot! And what is it with that boot?Now about two fortnights ago I started feeling poorly…the congestion settled in and it seemed that it was there to stay…the whole sinus system was impacted the bronchial system was stricken…and call me stubborn as our resident friendly pharmacist has but I was bound and determined to beat this scourge without going the antibiotic route…so I slathered on the smelly ancient chinese smelly stuff, I downed hot rums, decogestants, expectorants, vitamin C, Zinc, hot lemon and honey, coffee, and the breathing got better…but then the ears lost their balance…so I continued with the decogestants and expectorants and the vitamins…slowly the balance came back…but then last week the pain in the ears began!So a new attack was put into action…ear drops! And this is where I got the beginnings of some kind of knowledge that I still don’t know…but I what I do know is I am bloody perplexed!Now as I recall over the years the ears have given me some trouble…as a kid who seemed to not be able to hear I finally had tubes inserted…I hate wind in me ears, and don’t even ask me how I like water in my ears…oh that feeling of a drip going down into the bowels of your head and the swishing and sloshing around while it is there…and it seems that no matter what you do…kick the opposite leg, lay on your side, pull on your ear, blow your nose…and the water stays put or slowly comes out…and that is just it…The water goes in so good! you could be driving in a car with the windows down past a lawn being watered by a sprinkler and voila a drop will fly through the air ,into the open window and right into the ear and by into I mean down to the bowels…you could have ear plugs in your ears at the pool and by chance the air lock is not tight and yup, slish slosh for days afterwards…heck you could even be washing your hair and get a little too rambuctious and one careless drop will find its way…but, hey, buy ear drops, lay on your side, pull your ear, open your mouth, yawn and wiggle your jaw but do you think those freakin drops will go deep?All the massaging in the world won’t get those suckers to go any further than the outer part that is not the place they need to be to kill the ache…You can lay all night long on one side and in the morning once you sit up in bed the scurvy drops will just run down your neck…and I am still trying to figure out how being perplexed is making me smarter? Maybe all this confusion is really just making me smart enough to know when to go to the medial professional and get the modern day miracle medicine!

“The art of living is always to make a good thing out of a bad thing.” E.F. Schumacher
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