Conservatives Don’t Know What They Are
Conservatives don't know what they are, and they're not even looking.Where the Federal Liberal Party has held numerous policy conventions, where their leader has traveled the country to hear ideas…
Conservatives don't know what they are, and they're not even looking.Where the Federal Liberal Party has held numerous policy conventions, where their leader has traveled the country to hear ideas…
pollak2.jpg Monday, December 27, 2010 Your Honor, once found guilty, it is then customary for the accused to ask the court for leniency, and express remorse for having committed the…
A happy holiday and the best for the new year to all my readers. If you have some extra time, why not check out Bright Nights in Stanley Park, the…
Over the past quarter century, it has been a commonplace for right-wing continentalists to insist that without binding agreements between Canada and the United States, Canadian exports will be shut…
Privacy has been on my mind a lot lately. I think this is the natural side effect of the Wikileaks story. But the more I have been thinking about privacy,…
Privacy has been on my mind a lot lately. I think this is the natural side effect of the Wikileaks story. But the more I have been thinking about privacy,…
Flaherty: "Why reform CPP? It's fine the way it is." I just want to say first that I'm not a pension expert. It's one of my weaker areas of knowledge.…
Who gives a fuck whether Mr. Harper is still with Mrs. Harper, anyway? Except maybe as a demonstration of the man's penchant for deception - something that has been well…
Grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.
Big City Liberal has uncovered some shocking details from Santa's past. Now, at over at Bumblepigs there are pictures about what Santa is up to now, including stealing your beer:
Nothing to say except - I wish you all happy holidays, folks! And for your enjoyment - here's Rush: Keep on rockin' - and party responsibly, eh?
Herbal medicine may be risky for kids, says a CBC headline. "Perhaps the most serious harm occurs when effective therapies are replaced by ineffective alternative therapies," he said. "In that…
I have been reading up on the new 2010 changes to family law in Australia. Apparently significant changes have been made there with respect to family law and child rights.…
I’m dreaming of a drenched Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the sidewalks glisten, and children listen To hear rain-gear squeak below I’m dreaming of a…
Everyone, even Environment Minister Baird, is calling for world class environmental regulations these days, it seems. The Canadian Council of Chief Executives also got on the bandwagon recently. " assurance…
Read it and weep, folks (emphasis added): Canada’s little-known spy agency comes out into the open At a time when most government agencies are cutting and slashing, a little-known spy…
... and all that jazz. Enjoy yourselves with family and friends. Party hard, but responsibly, eh? In the meantime, a little food for thought, to which I say "hear, hear!":…
I want somebody to pay me a million bucks to state the obvious. I can prove that black is darker than white, for example. Or that cars can go faster…