I went to a workshop once and a great little nugget from it has managed to stay imbedded in my leetle grey cells…and I guess the underlining meaning the presenter was trying to get at was perspective.The presenter held up an apple and she told us that although we might just be seeing an apple it in fact was many different things to many different people…To the farmer with an orchard it was his livelihood.To Steve Jobs and the Apple company it is their logo.To the teacher it is a gift of love from their student.A doctor might think it as a way of keeping healthy.I think there could be a few more…To a dieter it might just trigger feelings of angst because it is now apples for snacks instead of other treats like icecream.Last week I bought a big bag of apples because they were on sale and the dam apples were disgusting…old, dry, mealy and they disintergrated even before I could at least make applesauce with them…needless to say Apples at this moment just make me think of the stupid store selling inferior products!!So which is the right way of thinking? Of course we can see that all of these perspectives are valid and so does that mean in life most situations are dynamic and have no right answer?And another thing this examples illustrates is the object, issue, action might just be a very benign thing that really doesn’t connotate anything…it is the person who sees or experiences the benign thing that is the one that attaches the feelings…good or bad…and why two people seeing or experiencing the same thing at the same time could have different opinions.It seems like we spend far too much time trying to justify our actions, feelings or position…especially when it seems that we can talk until we are blue in the face…and in most cases those who see things differently just don’t get it and will never get it until they are in the same position as you…and in so many cases they don’t even want to hear any justification so they could understand just how you feel…or they get their justification from others who don’t have a freakin clue…except how they think you think.Another thought that has the leetle grey cells firing is the thought that life is not static…it changes, we change…so even though we might at one time own an apple orchard we might sell it and then an apple will just be a great snack…and I am sure that my disgust with Save on More will fade in a year or two and so I will once again feel good about apples… or the apple purchase experience.And this characteristic all goes into the ball of wax to make interactions with others a little confusing…for friends and family might have difficulty knowing what the hell is the touchy subject to stay away from and then it changes! So how does one go along and get along…Could it be we must try to not judge others by their actions while assume we do and think things with only the best intentions?It is not so easy trying to get along and it seems it never was for Louis Armstrong got a hit song singing about different perspective…
Thats a fact Jack
Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that.~Erich Heller
You like potato and I like potahto, You like tomato and I like tomahtoPotato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto, Let’s call the whole thing offBut oh, if we call the whole thing off Then we must partAnd oh, if we ever part, then that might break my heart