September 2010

A few lessons

As long as Axelrod was helping Obama capture the White House, it was easy to assume both men subscribed to the same worldview… The development shattered the tentative understanding between…

A few lessons

As long as Axelrod was helping Obama capture the White House, it was easy to assume both men subscribed to the same worldview...The development shattered the tentative understanding between Axelrod…

A few lessons

As long as Axelrod was helping Obama capture the White House, it was easy to assume both men subscribed to the same worldview… The development shattered the tentative understanding between…


Jesus, two weeks without a single post. That’s a new level of suck for me, I think. Apologies. Real life has intervened in a most obtrusive way. Meanwhile, I laughed…


Jesus, two weeks without a single post. That's a new level of suck for me, I think.Apologies. Real life has intervened in a most obtrusive way. Meanwhile, I laughed quite…


Jesus, two weeks without a single post. That’s a new level of suck for me, I think. Apologies. Real life has intervened in a most obtrusive way. Meanwhile, I laughed…

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