Apparently, there is great fear among politicians that Karla Homolka is going to be pardoned (–mps-look-for-ways-to-derail-homolka-pardon-bid). I’m not an expert on pardons, but I didn’t think they were automatically granted to just anyone who applies. It would seem to me that the board responsible for deciding these types of things wouldn’t easily grant a pardon to Ms. Homolka. I’m happy to be educated about the system if I am wrong.

But more interesting to me is the Conservative response. They want their pardon bill, a hastily assembled piece of legislation that was in direct response to former Hockey Coach Graham James being pardoned (–hockey-coach-in-sex-abuse-case-pardoned), fast tracked through the House before it rises tomorrow. I’m sure, based on this and other cases, that our pardon system needs to be overhauled. But what I’m not sure about is whether the Conservative response is the well thought out, reasoned examination of a complex and serious issue we expect from our Government. It appears to me that this is a knee jerk reaction to a story that struck a negative cord with the electorate.

A pardon for Ms. Homolka would be a disaster for this government, that much is obvious. Their attempts to fast track a bill without proper debate or consideration is evidence that they know how that would play in the public mind. However, I do think it is the responsibility of the Opposition to ensure that a bill actual solves real world problems, and not just political ones.

The old saying “Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine” comes to mind.

If Mr. Harper and Mr. Toews think it is so important that this bill be passed before the July 4th application deadline for Ms. Homolka, then they should extend the sitting of the house and properly debate and pass the bill. That is, after all, what Canadians pay them for.

P.S. Kady O’Malley just said essentially the same thing as I have:

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