There will be blood. Will there also be healing?

We’ve seen lots of great data and analyses about Liberal and NDP supporters and how they feel about a coalition, merger, or non-compete pact. While much of it speculative, the evidence seems to indicate that there would be some bleeding from otherwise firm support on both sides. Fair enough.

But do we know if any of these arrangements would have an effect on the abysmal voter turnout? Is it possible that a progressive coalition or a newly merged progressive party could or would excite current non-voters (including Canadian youth) enough to get them out on E-day?

It seems to me that a lot of disillusioned former or potential voters, teenaged soon-to-be-voters, and new Canadian voters might be better served by a fresh political entity that represents a greater quantity and quality of common Canadian progressive values (irrespective of whether those values are traditional territory of the Liberals or NDP). And if cooperation is to be counted as one of those Canadian core values, and I strongly suspect it is, I would argue that the very spirit of cooperation itself might inspire the public as well.

It might even compensate for the losses.

Disillusioned people flock to change.

I think we might do well to look to the example set by C.A.P.P. (formerly Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament; now Canadians Advocating Political Participation) which was born in the wake of Harper’s most recent prorogation fiasco. Thousands of people – political and non-political; voters, non-voters, and soon-to-be first-time voters – all marched and rallied as one in the in the dead of winter. Liberals, NDPers, Conservatives, Greens, and others came together; organized together; and stood together in defense of common beliefs, and in pursuit of common goals.

They still do.

The C.A.P.P movement was and remains inspired to change in the way we do politics in Canada. Maybe the parties who also seek change could look upon C.A.P.P. for some inspiration of their own?


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