Respecting the Military

I’m sure that all of our MP’s, regardless of stripe, respect our armed forces and their contributions and sacrifices adequately. I’m also sure that our elected MP’s wouldn’t go out of their way to be intentionally disrespectful on Remembrance Day.Now I love shooting partisan arrows as much, if not more than the next person. But in this case,it was probably little more than an unfortunate lapse in judgment.So unless anyone can show some sort of trend or provide further evidence that Mr. Dykstra is indeed man guilty of disrespecting the military, let’s move on.This isn’t an election issue. Canadians, if they even raise their heads to pay attention, probably won’t care about this. Those few that do care will probably forget before the next election. There are bigger and more important problems out there – the economy, H1N1, Afghanistan, the protection of Canadians abroad, the lack of an environmental plan, stupid crime policy, etc – to name only a few. Rather than focusing on a moment of poor judgment on the part of one MP, let’s focus on four years of really poor judgment on the part of the Harper government as a whole.


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