July 2009

Good News

I’m so glad the recession’s over. I’m taking this news as true, since I believe everything Mark Carney says. That man is a genius. I am also relieved that Canadian…

Blame CUPE

Are you tired of blaming fate, the vagaries of nature, or God for your misfortunes? Try blaming CUPE. It’s fun and easy. Here’s an example, provided by the Toronto Sun.…

Blame CUPE

Are you tired of blaming fate, the vagaries of nature, or God for your misfortunes? Try blaming CUPE. It's fun and easy.Here's an example, provided by the Toronto Sun. CUPE…

Blame CUPE

Are you tired of blaming fate, the vagaries of nature, or God for your misfortunes? Try blaming CUPE. It’s fun and easy. Here’s an example, provided by the Toronto Sun.…

Guess Who’s Hiring

And advertised for a 12-month term only.Who says that having long-term employees who are experts in their job and develop loyalty to their employer is important?Why bother with that when…

congrats jean

Congratulations Prime Minister Chrétien on his appointment to the Order of Merit by her majesty. With a long history in public service, an immpecable record of fiscal responsibility as leader,…

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