Canada has been largely free from terror attacks experienced by other western nations at the hands of Islamic extremists, thanks in large part to the Liberals’ refusal to engage in the gratuitous invasion of Iraq. While we have experienced more home-grown terrorism over the years, the biggest threat to our future could be the open invitation by Stephen Harper to criminal behaviour with his ‘tough on crime’ agenda, his right wing extremist rhetoric and his taunting of Middle Eastern nations.
While Canada has largely been a benign country in which its inhabitant abhor violence, Harper’s incendiary language describing an imaginary country full of unreported crime and liberal personal freedoms gone wild have led to an American propensity for shows of force, from proposals of huge expensive prisons, billions for shiny war jets and the need for increased military might.
His unfettered support for Israel and ‘bring it on’ rhetoric when it comes to Middle Eastern countries are newer invitations to violence. Where we were once safe and secure, Harper’s new version of Canada is heading to an open invitation to terrorist threats. With the help of the blogging right and the Conservative media monopoly, Harper is aiming for a fight, either from outside forces or from within.