Scripturient: More Venery

A Repugnance of Republicans. A Sycophancy of Saundersonites. A Conspiracy of Conservatives. A Misanthropy of MAGA-Hatters. A Cowardice of Councillors. A Laziness of Reporters. A Slyness of Staff. A Corruption of Politicians.  A Disingenuity of Candidates. A Fallaciousness of FOX Commentators. A Malice of Mayors. A Lying of Lobbyists. A

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Scripturient: Johnson’s words

I have recently been reading through the David Crystal anthology of words from Samuel Johnson’s dictionary (Penguin, 2006), attempting to cross-reference it with entries in the Jack Lynch anthology (Levenger Press, 2004), comparing how the two editors chose their selections, and to see how the book designers chose to present

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PostArctica: Buffy Sainte-Marie

“”You talk about all the foster home kids, some of those parents they grew up without parents. They never knew a parent. How were they supposed to know how a family works? What they learned was how to be a bullying nun, how to be a pedophile priest, that’s what

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PostArctica: Buffy Sainte-Marie

“”You talk about all the foster home kids, some of those parents they grew up without parents. They never knew a parent. How were they supposed to know how a family works? What they learned was how to be a bullying nun, how to be a pedophile priest, that’s what

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PostArctica: To My Alien Abductor

To My Alien Abductor Life sucks, life is awesome. Lucky. Didn’t ask to be born. But writing bad poetry. Makes this shit. More fun than a barrel of Monkeys. I’ve had. My ancestors. Would laugh. Because. I think. Well, You only go around once. lofuckingl. Augustine on your pillow. Plato

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PostArctica: To My Alien Abductor

To My Alien Abductor Life sucks, life is awesome. Lucky. Didn’t ask to be born. But writing bad poetry. Makes this shit. More fun than a barrel of Monkeys. I’ve had. My ancestors. Would laugh. Because. I think. Well, You only go around once. lofuckingl. Augustine on your pillow. Plato

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centre of the universe: Logophile

Here is a list of some words that I love: Dulcet Irascible Fulsome Gar Luscious Worsted Peristalsis Apex Curmuffins* Bludgeon Trough Hollow Char Defenestration Lugubrious Metatarsal Coin Eustachian Zincofax Warble Interstitial Kinetic Yurt Jackanape (also: Jackdaw) Xeriscape Retard** Mope Umlaut Blaffard Haver Tandoori Slouch Cunt** Ramparts Opulent Perspicacity Romp Egregious

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PostArctica: The Thing About

The thing about right wing believers they love a good fight good and evil black and white the extremities heroes and villains sinners and saints But when it comes to ordinary people and ordinary stories and all kinds of talk about what’s good and what’s right They get lost in

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PostArctica: The Thing About

The thing about right wing believers they love a good fight good and evil black and white the extremities heroes and villains sinners and saints But when it comes to ordinary people and ordinary stories and all kinds of talk about what’s good and what’s right They get lost in

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PostArctica: Community

My generation from Verdun grew up With Fathers who worked in factories and Mothers who, if they worked were in retail or service low paying respectable jobs. To do better was a challenge in many, many ways these were awesome people of incredibly principled standards but fun loving people they

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PostArctica: Community

My generation from Verdun grew up With Fathers who worked in factories and Mothers who, if they worked were in retail or service low paying respectable jobs. To do better was a challenge in many, many ways these were awesome people of incredibly principled standards but fun loving people they

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