Things Are Good: Bike Lanes Create Jobs

The University of Massachusetts has completed a new study that shows that bicycle lanes create jobs. As a cyclist, this seems obvious to me since whenever I see a store or restaurant I want to go into I just hop off my bike and I’m in there spending money rather quickly.
It’s good to see that […]

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Things Are Good: A Look at European Transit Planning

The New York Times has a good article about the differences between traffic planning in the USA and Europe. The article shows ways that European cities move people more efficiently by supporting mass transit and sustainable transit solutions like bicycles rather than supporting a car culture.
Cities including Vienna to Munich and Copenhagen have closed vast […]

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Carbon49 - a blog on sustainability for Canadian businesses: Environment Minister Sets Canada’s Carbon Policy

Environment Minister Peter Kent sets the tone of Canada’s carbon policy for the next four years in his first interview after the federal election that resulted in a Conservative majority. Instead of cap-and-trade or carbon tax regime, Canada will introduce sector based regulations, starting with the transportation, coal, and oilsands sectors.

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On the Train

I’m sitting on the West Coast Express, on my way into the LPCBC offices, enjoying a coffee I bought on the train, typing my blog entry on my laptop (which would be plugged into the provided power if I didn’t have a ridiculously good battery), connecte…

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