Politics and its Discontents: Did They Get Yours?

A Russian criminal gang is said to have stolen internet credentials including 1.2-billion username and password combinations plus half a billion e-mail addresses. Milwaukee-based, Hold Security, says the data was hacked from some 420,000 web sites. The company says confidentiality agreements prevent it from disclosing the names of web sites

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Politics and its Discontents: Gaza – A Suggested Solution

Further to that piece Friday on how Israel’s radical rightwing shift is brutalizing Israeli society, I stumbled across this: http://forward.com/articles/202558/israeli-professor-suggests-rape-would-serve-as-ter/ And I found this insightful and well footnoted piece from The Nation on AlterNet debunking Israel’s (and our own) narrative on the Gaza invasion. http://www.alternet.org/world/five-israeli-talking-points-gaza-debunked?akid=12060.103986._jtkpX&rd=1&src=newsletter1013185&t=5 When an Israeli, of all

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