Dead Wild Roses: The DWR Feminist Post of the Day – How Could You Even Defend Prostitution and Porn? – Furious RadFem

The world’s oldest profession is easily the world’s worst ‘profession’. “We know working in prostitution causes higher rates of ptsd than participating in war, we know women are severely abused during sex, we know sex industry is heavily linked with child trafficking and human trafficking, we know most participants have to be severely drugged in […]

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Dead Wild Roses: The DWR Feminist Quote of the Day – On Objectification

“there’s no such thing as “taking control” of being objectified. the women who say that through stripping or other forms of performative sexuality they are regaining control of their own objectification aren’t understanding the concept of control. control is gained through power, power is systematic and industrialized, power is not a feeling. you can feel good […]

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