Montreal Simon: Standing Up For Our Values In A Bigoted World

I’m really looking forward to this weekend. It’s going to be warm and sunny, and perfect for biking, or sailing.

And on Sunday, in this park in my neighbourhood, there is going to be a big book fair with lots of authors and artists. So it couldn’t be better, or more lovely Canada.

But I can’t forget what’s happening to so many people in this nightmare place.

And ever since I found out that Chris Alexander and Kellie Leitch will be reuniting.

I can’t help wondering what might have happened to some of the Syrian refugees now living in this peaceful country if the Cons had been re-elected?
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Dead Wild Roses: Syrian Human Traffiking

    Wouldn’t it be nice if people, for once, didn’t decide to make money of the misery of others?  (I know, I know.  Capitalism would collapse the End Times would start, et cetera).  One news story that caught my eye was the tomfoolery going on with some Immigration Consultants and their business of getting Syrian […]

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