Team Ford’s malignancy: It’s not just the Jarvis bike lanes | #TOpoli #bikeTO

By now so much has been written and blogged and tweeted about yesterday’s clusterfuck at Toronto Council that there’s no point in rehashing it. Go read Matt Elliott’s summary at Ford For Toronto if you want a recap.

For Christ’s sakes. This isn’t just about the lack of any coherent policy justification, or the Machiavellian political . . . → Read More: Team Ford’s malignancy: It’s not just the Jarvis bike lanes | #TOpoli #bikeTO

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Excuses! Excuses!

Apparently, voter apathy was not restricted to the young at the 41st election.  Below are the numbers broken down of the wall of shame known as the non-voters:

18 to 24 years old: 29.9% 25 to 32 years old: 30.8% 35 to 44 years old: 27.5% 45 to 54 years old: 29.1% 55 . . . → Read More: Excuses! Excuses!

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Royal Pains, Brainwashing of Canada, Big Shiny Distractions Supercede Democracy–Rant Alert

Before I continue, full disclosure: like many Quebecers, I am anti-monarchy and think it’s antiquated and a waste of tax dollars. Furthermore, like Gilles Duceppe said awhile ago, they never work and they live off the backs of the tax-payers.  I have to ask, particular today’s neo-cons, who love to villify the poor, . . . → Read More: Royal Pains, Brainwashing of Canada, Big Shiny Distractions Supercede Democracy–Rant Alert

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Rethuglicans Despise Regulations Except To Regulate What They Don’t Like & Andrea Mrozek Says That Roe V Wade is Anti-Democratic

There are only three clinics that provide abortions left in the state of Kansas. That is three too many for the Rethuglican Kansas governor.  like many other state governors, this winner is finding new fangled, creative ways of circumventing Roe v Wade. They’re doing it by taking a new liking to red tape . . . → Read More: Rethuglicans Despise Regulations Except To Regulate What They Don’t Like & Andrea Mrozek Says That Roe V Wade is Anti-Democratic

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Being Oppositional, ‘Socialist’ Filibuster Drinking Games, Pandering to the Misinformed, Attempting To Debunk Some Myths

Finally, I post my thoughts about the NDP filibuster of Stevie Spiteful’s draconian Back to work legislation of  locked out Canada Post workers and the press coverage it has received, along with many Canadians’ attitude toward it.  I’m not only concerned at Canadians’  attitudes toward Bill c-6, but also all the misinformation that . . . → Read More: Being Oppositional, ‘Socialist’ Filibuster Drinking Games, Pandering to the Misinformed, Attempting To Debunk Some Myths

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Once Again, Austerity For Thee But Not For Me

Here’s another example of financial obscenity. This time, in Europe. Yes, it seems to much for the Eurozone to lead by example.

While Greece erupts in riots over spending cuts mandated by international banks, bureaucrats in Brussels are fretting about the lavish new headquarters they’re building for themselves.

With stunning insensitivity, details about . . . → Read More: Once Again, Austerity For Thee But Not For Me

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How Bill C-6 Can Set a Dangerous Precedent For All Working Canadians, Including Non-Unionized Workers

Assuming Stevie Spiteful stays in power, that is, and after watching both the NDP and the Liberals, this week-end, along with Stevie Spiteful’s spin machine in his media, it looks like it could well be for a very, very long time to come.  Only a very sleep deprived Lizzy May seemed to have . . . → Read More: How Bill C-6 Can Set a Dangerous Precedent For All Working Canadians, Including Non-Unionized Workers

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At Least Ruth-Ellen Brosseau Knows the Difference Between a Lockout and a Strike

I’ve been following the marathon debates on forcing the locked out Canada Post workers back to work on the CBC page live feed since last night and observing the debates on Twitter.  The rookie NDP MPs have been actively participating and have, in my opinion, all been quite articulate.  Sure some of them . . . → Read More: At Least Ruth-Ellen Brosseau Knows the Difference Between a Lockout and a Strike

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Fetus Billboard Boy Would Rather Go To Jail Than Take Down His Billboard

Remember that gawd awful image below?  Is it just me? Or does he really look diabolical? He looks like he’s about to devour that invisible baby.


Yes, #gregfultzisacreep, that billboard boy has been ordered to take down his billboard immediately.

But Fultz’s attorney said his client is adamant about protecting his . . . → Read More: Fetus Billboard Boy Would Rather Go To Jail Than Take Down His Billboard

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Stevie Spends La Fete Nationale In, You Guessed It! Thetford Mines! Heart of Cancer Industries!

Yep! Stevie is celebrating that the folks around l’Arrondissement de l’Amiante can all rest easy so they can now continue to get cancer and sell cancer for profit! Yay! Chrissy! Stevie! Ain’t that special?   Stevie and Chrissy saved their precious chrysotile asbestos from the big bad Rotterdam Convention, yet again. Three cheers . . . → Read More: Stevie Spends La Fete Nationale In, You Guessed It! Thetford Mines! Heart of Cancer Industries!

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Another Example of How Sucking Up To Stevie Spiteful Pays Off

In spades! Betcha Loose Larry Cannon must stamping his widdle feet somewhere. No senate seat; no diplomatic post.  Perhaps Stevie is catching enough flack for sending  loser Harpercon candidates to the senate, so he figured, let’s give a disgraced ex-premier a diplomatic post –and we’ll make it someone from a provincial Liberal party too so . . . → Read More: Another Example of How Sucking Up To Stevie Spiteful Pays Off

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