daveberta.ca - Alberta politics blog: liberals: tories blowing too much smoke while driving a leaky gravy train through the dark that will derail because of smoke and mirrors.

TweetThe world of opposition politics in Alberta can be an unforgiving place where, in many cases, well-meaning politicians linger until they either give up and leave politics all together or join the long-governing Tories. In the past, the opposition NDP has typically held the title as masters of media release

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Two additional reasons morale is better at Alberta Health Services: Liepert & Duckett are gone

Dr. Stephen Duckett, right, doesn’t mince words while talking to Doug Knight, then the President of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, in September 2009, Below: former Health Minister Ron Liepert. Morale among doctors, nurses and other medical staff is dramatically better than it was two years ago at Alberta

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Ex-MLA Shiraz Shariff gives Redford favourite Ken Hughes the bum’s rush in Tory nomination battle

Ken Hughes, back in the day as chair of the Alberta Health Services Board. He’s now Alberta’s newest unemployed person. Below: Shiraz Shariff, Joey Oberhoffner. As the beloved Scottish poet Rabbie Burns so famously observed, “the best-laid plans o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.” The best-laid plans o’ mice,

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