Like porn? You won’t like a Santorum presidency.

In another sign just how dangerous to freedom and the American way Rick Santorum really is, this statement from the presidential contender should send chills down one’s spine. Current federal “obscenity” laws prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops

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DeSmogBlog: Republicans Aren’t the “Truth Party,” Mr. Santorum. They’re the “Certainty Party.”

225px-Rick_Santorum_official_photo.jpg Rick Santorum has been talking about the “politicization of science” a lot lately—although (a pet peeve of mine) he seems to have a problem with pronouncing the phrase. He says “polititization.” Check it out here. Not as bad as the people who say "political-ization," but don't get me started. Anyway,

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Sun News Network + Jason Kenney = frothy mixture

If you ever wanted to combine the worst of Conservatism – that frothy mixture of deceit, barely-veiled racism and amoral opportunism – look no further than the perfect marriage of the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and Fox News North. Six federal bureaucrats were drafted to pose as new Canadians for a citizenship reaffirmation

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Submitted without (much) comment

Because sometimes there’s just no comment I could possibly *come* up with that would provide adequate snarkification.  From Rick Santorum’s website, what is presumably a money raising promotion with the world’s greatest acronym: It’s still there as of 2:45 Pacific, so the Santorum campaign must be delirious with joy, imagining

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Rick Santorum and the Right to be Weird

Make no mistake: the frothy Rick Santorum is weird in ways that go light-years beyond grotesque.  But when he obligingly provides so much material for his opponents to work with, I wonder if this aspect of his weirdness is appropriate fodder for televised political debate: During a segment on Fox

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Who let the dogs in??

The GOP Primary Reality Clown Show has packed up its balloons and clown shoes and fart whistles and red foam noses and is headed for New Hampshire after a terrifying Tuesday night in Iowa.  Terrifying to sane humans, for sure, but even more terrifying to dogs. It’s true: dogs everywhere

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