Montreal Simon: Will the Con Leadership Race Help Destroy the Harper Party?

Yesterday I ran a Michael Harris column that looked at the Cons apparent death wish.

And how they seemed unable to escape the deathly legacy of Stephen Harper.

And I also wondered how Rona Ambrose’s decision to criticize Kellie Leitch for her demagogic proposal to screen immigrants for “anti-Canadian values,”would affect Ambrose’s leadership.

And her ability to hold her party together.
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Montreal Simon: The Cons and the Cult of Political Violence

The other day I wrote about how the threat of political violence was growing in Canada, and about all the death threats aimed at Justin Trudeau.

I wondered why the Ambrose Cons weren’t doing anything to rein in their violent supporters.  

And I also wondered why the MSM had ignored this story for so long, even though it’s so obvious, so disturbing, and so dangerous.

So I’m glad to see that Chantal Hébert has noticed a foul stench in the air.
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Montreal Simon: The Con Media’s Disgusting Attack on the Trudeau Government

Yesterday I wrote about how Rona Ambrose and her Cons were going after the decent Health Minister Jane Philpott for having rented a limo Lexus to travel around the Greater Toronto Area.

Instead of taking a taxi or a bus.

As well as going after the equally decent Environment Minister Katherine McKenna, for the “crime” of having spent about $6,000 on photographs at the Paris climate summit.

Even though the Harper regime spent millions doing the same thing.

But what makes this grotesque assault even more disgusting is the way the Con media are trying to make it look like a major scandal.
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