Scripturient: The Long Read part 2

In my previous post I wrote about reading during the lockdown, particularly delving into some longer reads like War and Peace. This time gives us ample opportunity to tackle books that may have daunted us before. And, as I previously wrote, some of these are my ‘books-to-read-upon-retirement’ titles. Well, I

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Canadian Dimension: God or Mammon?

Jesus and the Politics of Mammon Hollis Phelps Cascade Books, 2019 The title of this book made me suspect it would simply advocate an anti-capitalist theology and present a vision of Jesus as a socialist. God knows we need to challenge the diabolical hash Christian fundamentalism makes of its professed

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Scripturient: Big G and Me

One of my fondest childhood memories is sitting between my parents on a warm summer night, on the front seat of the family car, watching a movie through the windshield, above the dashboard. A single, metal-wrapped speaker hung from the glass of the half-opened window on the driver’s side. A

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Canadian Dimension: With his first book, Martin Lukacs delivers a devastating analysis of Trudeau’s four years in power

The Trudeau Formula: Seduction and Betrayal in an Age of Discontent Martin Lukacs Black Rose Books, 2019 Slick, brand-driven star power legitimizes the neoliberal status quo, obscuring growing inequalities as the alt-right and climate crisis loom on the horizon. This is the backdrop for Martin Lukacs’ first book, The Trudeau

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Canadian Dimension: Dishonouring the “Treaty Bundle”

No Surrender: The Land Remains Indigenous Sheldon Krasowski University of Regina Press, 2019 Historian and Indigenous Studies scholar Sheldon Krasowski makes a sterling contribution to the dialogue about treaty negotiations in Canada. Such dialogue was once dominated by colonialist apologetics claiming that cultural misunderstandings between Euro-Canadian and Indigenous negotiators caused

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