Accidental Deliberations: On priorities

For all the commentary Marco Rubio has managed to generate with his threat that Republicans may hate Amazon more than the workers seeking to organize it, nothing reflects the warped priorities of his party (and their Canadian cousins) than this passage: It is no fault of Amazon’s workers if they

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The Maple Monarchists - Blog: Democracy Watch combines Good Intent with an oddly poor understanding of the Canadian Constitution to Ill Effect

Democracy Watch Logo Recently I learned that an organization called Democracy Watch was going to sue the New Brunswick government over its decision to call an early election back in September. Now, suing anyone is risky but more so when that organization has limitless funds to mount a defence. So if nothing else I commend their bravery. Sadly, the bravery has a

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Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – T.M. Scanlon analyzes the dangerous effects of wealth inequality. And Philip Alston discusses how COVID-19 has only exposed an existing pandemic of poverty and inequality which was previously masked by grossly insufficient poverty lines: The consequences of this highly unrealistic picture of

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