Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Christopher Nardi reports on Liam Iliffe’s unwitting revelations about how fossil fuel companies regularly thumb their noses at lobbying requirements and other rules while pulling the strings of compliant Canadian governments. Amanda Follett Hosgood discusses the growing push to ban at least blatantly

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The Progressive Economics Forum: Women’s homelessness

I’ve just published Chapter 8 of my open access textbook. This new chapter focuses on women’s homelessness. An English summary of the new chapter can be found here: A French summary of the new chapter is here: All material related to the textbook can be found here:

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The Progressive Economics Forum: Homelessness among racialized persons

Chapter 7 of my open access textbook has just been released. This chapter focuses on homelessness experienced by racialized persons. A ‘top 10’ summary of the chapter can be found here (in English): A ‘top 10’ summary of the chapter in French can be found here: The full chapter can

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Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Afternoon Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Meara Conway examines the absolute frivolousness of the Saskatchewan Party’s Ottawa-bashing, while Stephen Magusiak offers a reminder of the oil-backed astroturf project behind Alberta sovereignty messaging (and its Saskatchewan copycats). And Simon Enoch discusses Scott Moe’s choice to keep underfunding public services even

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The Progressive Economics Forum: Emergency facilities for people experiencing homelessness

I’m writing an open access textbook on homelessness. Chapter 4 has just been published. A ‘top 10’ overview of the chapter can be found here: The full chapter is available here: And all material related to the book can be found here:

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The Progressive Economics Forum: Theory and homelessness

I’m writing an open access e-textbook on homelessness. Chapter 2, focused on theory, has just been published. The full chapter is available here: A ‘top 10’ overview of the chapter can be found here: A French version of the ‘top 10’ overview can be found here: All

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