
Saturday Afternoon Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Sheila Smith examines how private equity is hollowing out the real economy in the name of profit-taking. And Klaus Schwab suggests a “Great…

Power Out

First power outage in weeks, and it’s lasted at least 10 minutes as of writing this. There was heavy rain this morning, but it let up quickly. Getting word that…

American Riots Continue

I KNEW there was something wrong there. I just didn't think it was the *Hitler* pic that had been photoshopped XD https://t.co/lp22xJVfO6 — GRRRR, Rant-o-matic Shark (@grrrr_shark) June 3, 2020…

Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – Andrew Nikiforuk writes about the need to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis into a new normal, rather than trying to return to…

Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Claire Provost writes about the spread of the private security industry – which now exceeds the size of public police forces in Canada…

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