Alberta Politics: ‘Has Trudeau committed treason?’ The answer is no and the question is completely bonkers!

Donna Kennedy-Glans, by all accounts an intelligent and accomplished Alberta Conservative, recently posted and pinned a Tweet asking, “Has Trudeau committed treason?” If her intention was to grab the attention of Alberta’s chattering classes, she succeeded. If she was out for attention, though, I’m not sure she really wanted the

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Alberta Diary: Perfesser Dave explains negative TV advertising and the job-killing Tory carbon tax

Zap! You’re frozen! … In the dark! The Harper Tories’ latest TV advertising attack on NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair. Perfesser Dave, below, explains why Prime Minister Stephen Harper will do the same thing he’s accusing Mr. Mulcair of planning if he manages to get re-elected. Below Perfesser Dave: Robert Stanfield, the underwear guy, Allan Fotheringham …

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