BigCityLib Strikes Back: Bernie Farber

…poses with: Conservative Party organizer Georgeanne Burke, PCPO riding association president for Thornhill (MPP Peter Shurman’s riding) Gila Martow, and York U professor Merle Jacobs.  Also in the picture is officer Ricky Veerappan, the fellow that got Pam Geller turfed from her Thornhill gig.  Kathy Shaidle thinks there’s something scandalous going on here

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What Rush hath wrought: 16-year-old harassed for being a “slut, a prostitute, a horny piece of trash that is out to sleep with every guy in school”

The fallout from Rush Limbaugh’s attack on Sandra Fluke has more far-reaching consequences than the public humiliation Fluke received at the hands of the radio star and the subsequent withdrawal of advertisers from the blowhard’s show. Caught in the headlines suddenly are the young women of America who have become the new Easy

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What Rush hath wrought: 16-year-old harassed for being a "slut, a prostitute, a horny piece of trash that is out to sleep with every guy in school"

The fallout from Rush Limbaugh’s attack on Sandra Fluke has more far-reaching consequences that the public humiliation Fluke received at the hands of the radio star and the subsequent withdrawal of advertisers from  the blowhard’s show. Caught in the headlines suddenly are the young women of America who have become the

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No Jonathan Kay, Mark Steyn is not a “thoughtful, mainstream thinker”

Today’s NatPo column by Jonathan Kay shows how he is as guilty as any right wing journalist in exploiting the current climate of fear and hate against the left. He is not the only one. His paper promulgates hate for the left on a ongoing basis. It unabashedly promotes the Conservative party 24/7. But today’s . . . → Read More: No Jonathan Kay, Mark Steyn is not a “thoughtful, mainstream thinker”

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