This is my SOS to the world

A tiny community called out to world.  And the world answered.  Foreign aid arrived in Canada courtesy environmental organizations which, if you’ll remember, dear Reader, are “radical groups” with “radical agendas” trying to “derail” the Northern Gateway Pipeline project. Our radical agenda, backed by independent science, demands acknowledgement that the

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Far and Wide: Speaking Of "Boring"

What’s your definition of boring, bland, yawn inducing? For myself it’s predictability above all else. From a purely partisan perspective, I suppose this now on going media categorization of the NDP leadership race as “boring” is a welcome frame, but really it does a disservice to the wider political climate.

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: The Real Opposition

Although the Liberals may have been reduced to third-party status in parliament after the last election, there’s little doubt that, largely thanks to the feisty leadership of Bob Rae, they are presently the de facto Opposition to the Harper Government®. If polled, I wonder how many people would even know

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