Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – David Ball offers a reminder that Canada’s immigration system includes the needless detention of children – and that we should be working…

New column day

Here, on how NAFTA has proven wholly ineffective in deterring a destructive U.S. president from starting a gratuitous trade war – and how Canada should respond in charting a new…

Sunday Morning Links

This and that for your Sunday reading. – Martin Wolf reviews Mariana Mazzucato’s The Value of Everything, including its distinction between value creation and value extraction. And Yvonne Roberts points…

Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Quirks & Quarks examines the potentially devastating effects of a dilbit spill on British Columbia’s coast. And David Climenhaga warns that Kinder Morgan…

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Tom Parkin discusses the Libs’ identity politics – and how they endanger people’s substantive interests both in what the Libs fail to do,…

Are Two Sellouts Pending?

He’s loved of the distracted multitude, multitude, who like not in their judgement, but their eyes. Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 3 As Claudius in the above states, there will always…

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