Warren Kinsella: SFH comes alive!

From left: Davey Snot, Royal Niblet, Steve Deceive and Winkie Smith. Bjorn von Flapjack III? Who cares. We hate him, now.  I love Stevie’s Townshend-esque flourish. Classic.  Oh, and we made history! We broadcast our show live over Meerkat and Periscope, and got watched as far away as Australia. Cool. 

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Warren Kinsella: Ottawa-based guy chimes in

Quote:  Warren Kinsella, another Ottawa-based political strategist and former Special Assistant to Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chrétien agrees. “The NDP never wants the Green party there, the Liberals would prefer not to have the NDP there, the Tories would probably prefer to have nobody there. All of them have their

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Warren Kinsella: Teenage Lament

Royal Niblet, currently in Miami, wanted this 1977 Hot Nasties tune to learn the guitar bits. Here it is.  The rest of you, carry on as you were. https://web.archive.org/web/20150312144837/http://warrenkinsella.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/21-Teenage-Lament.mp3

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