Canadian ProgressiveCanadian Progressive: How an Accused Guatemalan War Criminal Won U.S., Canadian Citizenship

by Sebastian Rotella | ProPublica In May 1985, a Guatemalan Army lieutenant named Jorge Vinicio Sosa Orantes deserted, flew to San Francisco and requested political asylum, asserting that leftist guerrillas in his war-torn homeland were gunning for him. The 27-year-old officer described his combat exploits in his application for asylum. He said he

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Trashy's World: The Snowbirds…

… yeah, they’re kinda neat… but $755 million worth of “neat”? I dunno. And we all know that the $755 million really means $1 billion++, right? Isn’t it time to put circuses like these to bed for good… at least those being paid for from the public purse? I know

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Canadian Progressive World: The day Canada’s white supremacists saluted Stephen Harper

So far, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s ideology-inspired of project of social and political engineering expresses itself most eloquently as the Conservatives’ egregious assault on civil liberties, the metamorphosis of Canada into a petro-state, and militarization of both Canadian society and foreign policy. We’re yet to acknowledge how this project oppresses

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