Now, Peggy Wente, It’s Not Nice to Slam An Ideological Sister Like Kathy Shaidle

Vintage Peggy Wente. She does prove that she is, indeed, Chrissie Blatchford’s sob sister, along with Tash Kheiriddin.  Peggy, of course, misses the point of the #occupy movement.  What a bitter woman she is!

“Why should artists have to work instead of just making art?”

Peg asks one occupier. Who knew Kathy Shaidle . . . → Read More: Now, Peggy Wente, It’s Not Nice to Slam An Ideological Sister Like Kathy Shaidle

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the reeves report: Supreme Court of Canada to help clarify what constitutes hate speech

The Supreme Court of Canada is being asked to draw the line between what constitutes free speech and what crosses the faint line into hate mongering. The case against William Whatcott, an unabashedly anti-homosexual Lutheran proselytizer in Saskatchewan, will have lasting implications about where Canadians and Canadian courts should draw the line between protecting what … Continue reading »

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