Trashy's World: Irony, thy name is Johnny…

Or Steve…This article on the MotherCorp site is all about Ukraine’s imprisonment of the main Opposition Party leader… and how the PM is a tad worried about it. But this is the line that had me rolling on the floor laughing: Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Tuesday Canada was troubled by the prison sentence. […]

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Trashy's World: Two stories…

One about an ex-Harris henchman who now toils for a guy who pulls levers behind the curtain at 24 Sussex… And the other about a guy that is so blasted partisan that we will cut the reference to his own country and one of the greatest PM’s who ever lived – because he was from […]

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I Guess Displaying Canadian Symbol is Exempt for Some And a Tiara With That, Mr. Baird?

Well, this latest antic from the Harpercons, specifically, pitbull Johnny Baird, could fall under a few files: austerity for thee but not for me, do as I say and not as I do, Liberal Derangement Syndrome and removing all signs of Canadian identity.

Yes, boys ‘n’ girls, Pitbull Johnny has ordered up the . . . → Read More: I Guess Displaying Canadian Symbol is Exempt for Some And a Tiara With That, Mr. Baird?

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