Left Over: Rightwing Knuckledraggers Unite!!!!

  Climate Change Scientist Calls Conservatives ‘Neanderthal’ CBC  |  Posted: 04/27/2013 8:03 am EDT  |  Updated: 04/27/2013 9:46 am EDT   This message is only marginally redundant..and the Conjobs could care less, or their supporters..after all the tar sands are newer than the dinosaur and plant remains that make up their bulk…what’s that, according to these

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Trashy's World: This is beyond crazy…

The Minister for NRCan’s view on climate change? Meh. No biggie. “I think that people aren’t as worried as they were before about global warming of two degrees,” Oliver said in an editorial board interview with Montreal daily newspaper, La Presse. “Scientists have recently told us that our fears (on

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Montreal Simon: Joe Oliver Goes to War Again

Uh oh. He's BAAAAACK!!!Joe "Oily" Oliver, the screaming scarecrow of the Tar Sands.First he called Canadian environmentalists job killing extremists, and tools of foreign interests.Then he promised we would be able to drink the tarry bubbly from the tailing ponds. And that it would taste like prosperity.Now he's back as crazy as ever, waving

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Earthgauge Radio: Interview with Keith Stewart of Greenpeace

Download: keith-stewart-edited-forair.mp3 Roughly one year ago, the federal Minister of Natural Resources, Joe Oliver, issued an open letter attacking “environmental and other radical groups” that “threaten to hijack our regulatory system to achieve their radical ideological agenda.” Canada’s regulatory system was “broken”, he declared, and changing it was “an urgent matter of Canada’s

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